Saturday, January 15, 2011

Whats Your Purpose? Do you Promise!

We are living life with the wrong set of expectations and promises on our minds. When in fact we should expect the unexpected when it comes to men and everyday living. Have you ever purposely made promises to give someone who hurt you a cursing out, a warning of defeat or destruction. After which things remained the same, although at first it (the cursing out) seemed effective at the time. Well I am here to tell you something you and I both know, it does less harm to the person who received the disruptive behavior and more harm to the person who made promises to act out the behavior. You see it's simple we are humans and surely built to get our feelings wounded, but our bodies are not built for the heart ache of remembering to make purposeful promises of harm to any individual. If you are looking to live a healthier fuller and longer life change your purpose. Purposely praise your creator GOD!, purposely pray (a set time daily), purposely do the best you can even if men won't act or notice GOD does. Purposely take time out to listen and honor the thoughts of people who are talking to you and not listening only to what you will say in response. Promises are built on what you purpose in life, I promise you today when you make the "righteous choices" (Gods ways), you will walk in promises that have been set up for you and there is not one thing~ (the man who takes your parking space or the lady who keeps hitting you with her buggy at the grocery store) can do to stop or delay what you are promised. Purposely change today and promises for tomorrows expectations are yours. Go ahead, I dare you to walk with purpose!


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