Monday, June 29, 2009

Remembering "Michael Jackson" & Honoring His Family

We are all aware of death and how it comes with no words but with much pain, stealing our loved ones. We must remember the sudden shock & duties family members endure and are not scheduled to perform due to the presence of an untimely death. When we think of the business that must be taken care of ~in care of our loved ones and the many desires and/or request they made or may not have made for such a time as this, the arrangements alone are heavy including the thought and realization of who it is you are making the arrangements for.

With someone as celebrated and huge entertainer as Michael Jackson it becomes a shared public display of grief, criticism, and scrutiny which is even harder. You'll here and see people in the media being quoted saying things like, "Why are they crying? they weren't even close or look at them they're not even acting sad". "They" the media will use, "Us" his own people to down play his character they did it with Tupac, Biggie, many others and now Michael.

Janet Jackson spoke candidly, precisely, & with much love representing her family, for the appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all of Michael's fans, her words rang with a sound clarity that has echoed in many of our ears through Michael's music. He sang for us, his music was for us, his dance moves, costumes and many concerts was all for us, he was our icon. We are all thirsty for more visual moments of Michael, inevitably our thirst will give an audience to a biased news media in which whom is not deserving . However this moment just for a moment can they have ( the family) this time to mourn their brother, father, & son without any factual or nonfactual negative attention of Michael's past.
I truly understood Janet's words and I Quote: "To you~ Michael is an Icon. To us~ Michael is family & he will forever live in all of our hearts". I'm sure not everyone will agree with my idealism but with respect and honor for Michael Jackson and his family the suggestions, questions, and children debates should at least be put on hold temporarily, this is a time for grieving for all who will miss him, and unless you have personal ties to his estate and/or his family members I think what, why, when, or who would be questions you should find disrespectful if you yourselves have not yet buried a loved one. As Janet Jackson did thank us for our love and support for Michael and his family. I say, give them a break at least until his Homegoing Services.

I am almost sure with the musical impact Michael has had on us his fans, his family with all of their creativity will be more then honored to give us something to look forward too, in his absence on a later date and celebrating in Michael's own words; "I'll Be There ~Just call my name and I'll Be there". God bless Michael's Family and All who knew him through his music. He will be truly missed

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Busy is Too Busy?

Recently one of the members in my travel club asked the question how busy was too busy? She listed the many things she had going on; life, work, community, spiritual, all to familiar. As a striving entrepreneur I often find myself incorporating other peoples situations and to do list along with my own business and or non-business schedule. This has a price and the value seemingly is often nonprofitable and or neither affordable once you put a price tag on it as their constituent. So in this case busy is too busy.

With the many talents and creative skills we have then we are and will always be needed and that's a plus. Where there is much given then there is much required. All in all you should have time for the people in your lives, you call friends, and family time is inevitable. With the economy in a press to survive we must take this as a blessing and opportunity in our lives. In all cases this should have better endings then beginnings, but if our busy schedules doesn't allow us to feel through the process, and instead just focus on the goal then what have we really experienced or learned.

Well I can't speak for everyone but the stories I have been privileged to hear are positive, to name a few, people are slowing down, not driving as much, planning has improved, people are eating out~ but less, allowing them time to spend with family. Others who never prayed are coming together in prayer. These and more could all be because of the economy slowing you down from a world of high speed Internet, microwave popcorn, T.V. dinners, and instant messaging or texting. We all have to wonder with all the technology are we Techno-Lazy. This technology was wired to make it convenient for the world and not to make you techno-lazy yet still too busy to pick up a phone and actually call the person or pick up pen and pad to write them. Its all in the gesture.

Was this economy break down predestined? Yes Our God for new, my plan is to slow down listen and "watch" what he has to say to reprove me. So people are you texting God I hope not even if he for new he said to write the vision and make it plain upon tablets. You don't want God to stop what "He's" doing to text you prayer answers, that he provides daily through inspirations. Stop what you are doing take the time to listen to your own heart God is speaking to you through others in many ways. Listen to stories with a positive ear you will be surprised by what you hear now! to help you ease the schedule later.

God Speed Not Yours!